Below are custom wine cellars designed by Vintage Cellars with Wine Guardian units installed.
Ramona Project
The Ramona Project is a custom wine cellar approximately 14’x10’x8’ with a Wine Guardian 1-ton ducted split system installed. The compressor is located outside the home and the air handler is built into a soffit inside the wine room. Features include premium redwood with redwood paneling on all the walls, a door made of Alder, a glass rack, double deep racks, and waterfall racking.

Nantucket Project
The Nantucket Project is a custom wine cellar with front glass. A Wine Guardian system is sitting above the wine room ducted into the cellar with a supply and return grill on the ceiling which will allow the customer to utilize the room without making space for an evaporator coil. The racking was done in All Heart Redwood.

Memphis Project
The Memphis Project designed from the original concept to building the racking by Vintage Cellars has a 1-ton Wine Guardian unit installed. Other features of this cellar include a high reveal row with library lighting and bins on the left and right done in solid stone.

Escondido Project
The Escondido Project has a 2-ton Wine Guardian ducted system installed in a custom cellar that holds 4000+ bottles. This cellar was featured in Wine Spectator’s November 30, 2010 edition.